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tv   Good Morning Washington at 500  ABC  February 5, 2013 5:00am-6:00am EST

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>> police need your help trying two missing children, including this 12-year-old boy park.akoma >> the ravens are back in preparing for this morning's big parade to celebrate their super bowl win. >> not so flattering, a for the d.c. region, where it ranks on the latest list of congested areas. atood morning washington" 5:00 a.m. begins now. >> live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side.
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>> good morning, washington. 5:00 is the time on this tuesday, february 5. i am cynne simpson. >> i am scott thuman. we are on storm watch. two school delays announced. morgan county and the grant county. let's check in with jacqui jeras we are inout what for today. a calm day. one or two inches fell in the virginia intoest frostburgunty towards we had about 4.5 inches. in d.c. we came up with a lot of nothing. have a mostly cloudy day. we will see another chance of a flurries or sn showers late-night likely after midnight. be north ofnce will area.tro if you are tired of the cold, we have a warmup in store. afternoon. throughl be the rule part of the week. could even reach 50 by the
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weekend. starting with 35 degrees and 5 at dulles, 30 inles hagerstown, 31 in martinsburg. your forecast, 36 degrees and cloudy and 9:00, 40 at noon, 44 at 5:00 with mostly cloudy skies. we will see snow flurries tonight. the warmer weather arrives. we will check on that in your seven-day forecast. first, time for traffic and jamee. it's a good time to get going. let's hit the road running. quiet in virginia on 395. in maryland and in the district, to tell you about. along. it looks so nice. no problems. if you are taking the beltway, the john hanson highway, the wilson bridge and through
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bethesda, silver spring, travel lanes are open. back to you. >> thank you. we begin this morning with a story out of d.c. police need your help to find a missing since late week. six-year-old eriona birts was seen january 31 in the 2000 e street. police believe she maybe with a non-custodial parent and they may have left the city. if you know where she is, call police in d.c. >> in takoma park, police continued to search for boy.ssing the 12-year-old was last seen monday night. released.etails him, you are asked to contact police. d.c. mayor vincent gray delivering his state of the district address tonight. status ofport on the the city and his administration and he will outline his agenda year.e you can watch the speech on news
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at 7:00 p.m. later this morning, you can watch the the ravens fans streets, getting ready for the parade. >> it's time to celebrate the win here at bowl home. be gathered around that includes john gonzalez, was at the superbowl. now he's back in baltimore >> . good morning. the city of baltimore is not time.g any the ravens won the super bowl on sunday. today is celebration time. who is ready for a parade? city hall in downtown baltimore in party mode, as you can see. is little or purple lights, like many of the buildings baltimore. today a banner will be congratulate in the team on its big super bowl against the san francisco 49ers. since the baltimore ravens in the city in 1996, have 1 two super bowl
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titles. the first was in 2000/2001. they arrived at bwi marshall somerday afternoon to fanfare, but nothing compared to what we will see today. thousands will be lining the streets. baltimore mayor stephanie rawlings-blake will kick things off the 10:45 this morning at city hall. will start moving parade. it will go south on commerce pratt and howard bankts and then into m&t is where theh homemore ravens play games. to understand there will be quite a party. live entertainment and the be on stage talking fans and spanking them for a great year to support. the party kicks off in a few hours here in downtown baltimore. live, john gonzalez, abc 7 news. >> thanks so much. had a palm oil with
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the lombardi trophy after the had a fumble. >> john harbaugh was released during aaw the trophy monday morning press conference. >> we had not seen it since last night. had lost it. t, thank you. i as the ravens and their headed to a party sunday night, the trophy did not make it to the event. apparently, there was uncertainty over which security person had it. thankfully, it turned up. hopefully, they're keeping a close eye on it now. stay with abc 7 and for of thee coverage celebration. also, news channel 8 will have parade whene of the starts off shortly before 11:00 a.m. >> some of the bad news is that d.c. continues its dubious distinction when it comes to traffic. >> we made the top 10 list
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again. with briannen beltsville, maryland with more on our ratings. >> good morning. if you are getting ready to head you may notice our area is well known for traffic tieups and congestion. according to a new list that's are toppingning, we the list once again. we may have the worst congestion in the country. you know that getting out and on to the roads in the morning can be a major headache. we know we are dealing with the worst of it. according to a study from a university, the driving , washington tops the list for the most congestion, angeles, sanos francisco, new york, and boston. clogged roads cost americans in1 billion in time and fuel 2011.
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the study says americans spent 5.5 million additional hours , notng in traffic in 2011 good news. gettingthat if you are get on the roads, things will not been contested. brianne carter, abc 7. looking at 34 degrees. >> still ahead, a restaurant chain hopes that you will flip over its annual event. how you can get some sri pancakes today. and help a (vo) they were married for... 53 years. she was his everything. he can't live alone anymore.
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but we don't have the room. so, we talked to suntrust... looked at our options... remodeled... for fami, you make it work. heaught me that. (anncr) join the thousands of people switching to suntrust's award-winning service. how can we help you shine today?
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>> welcome back. with jacqui jeras. we have garrett county, morgan county and grant county schools on a two hour delay. the issues continued. but not in d.c. there was a fast moving system that moved through. it brought a dusting of snow to martinsburg and snowflakes in winchester. really northwestern maryland and the panhandle of virginia where there were accumulations. most spots were able to count number of inches on one hand. the clouds will persist day.ghout the starting in are
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comfortable spot. 32 in arlington, 32 in , 30 in chantilly, 33 culpeper. good morning. a warming into the 40's by the hour. by 5:00.s another weak system late tonight with a few snow flurries. chance of getting a dusting or more would be well. your forecast for the next seven days is coming up. now with time for traffic and weather jamee >> . good morning, jacqui. good morning to the nation's capital. 50 and in cheverly, the b-w parkway, good morning. telework avenue, lanes are open. 14th street, that's a beautiful shot. coming in from , the toll road, of sterling, looks good, quiet.d the capitol beltway, travel lanes are open. in virginia but in
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maryland as well. looks good across 50 and the woodrow wilson bridge. back to you. >> thank you. it's 35 degrees. >> coming up, new details on the blackberry 10. >> coming up, new details on the blackberry 10. learn tell me you love me.
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tell me i'm beautiful. tell me we'll grow old together. in sickness and in health. tell me that'm still the one. that yat need me. that i'm your super hero! tell me you'll never let me go. tell me you miss me. that's all i need. [ female announcer ] for everything they need to hear this valentine's day, there's a hallmark card.
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>> you are watching abc 7's "good morning washington" with cynne simpson and scott thuman. this is "good morning
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washington," on your side. welcome back. good morning, washington. it's 5:15. the streets of baltimore turning as the city holds a victory celebration for the champion ravens. there will be a short ceremony hall this morning, by a parade through m&t bank stadium. that's where there will be a for the fans.on vincent gray delivering a state district address tonight. discuss thed to of the city and his asinistration as well outline his agenda for the year. newton what the speed of 7:00 on news channel 8. it turns out the d.c. area has worst commute in the entire nation. a texas a&m transportation institute says the commuters needed 3 hours for a trip-only takes 30 minutes. americans wasted an average of
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each sitting in traffic in 2011. >> president obama has signed raises thebill that ceiling. the legislation temporarily the 16.4 trillion limit on federal borrowing. that prevents the u.s. and from defaulting on its debts. provisions a house republicans to temporarily withhold lawmakers' pay in either chamber that fails to produce a budget plan. the senate has approved a bill include security at u.s. embassies overseas, following the attacks in benghazi. than $1 billion for funds no longer needed in iraq would then fund that effort. the bill now goes to the house. 5:17. the big question is, how many pancakes and you think you can put away today > >> about 5. i want that many. >> i think that's about 11.
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let's check in with adam caskey, ihop int the alexandria. pancakes?ad some >> we are going to dig in this morning. day and the pancake day.nal weather person's you get a free short stack at ihop and it's for good cause. it's for charity. tell us about it. toyou have the opportunity leukemia lymphomas find a cure for blood cancer. we're hoping to raise $220,000. they've been raising money over last month and today is the hurrah. >> , tabriz in the past? >> $185,000, last year. working hardbeen $220,000 this year.
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is the face of your year?gn this >> a first grader from falls leukemia survivor. they had a pancake stack with his yesterday first grade class. lot of whipped cream in the decorating. been so engaged wonderful. >> you can go to any participating ihop today. we are at potomac yards in alexandria. opportunity to donate to the limit formula of leukemia society. good-looking donated to the cause. that's what the name says. mid temperatures in the 40's and a few snow flurries tonight. back to you. >> thank you. he found the cards that i
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signed. [laughter] >> that was painful to watch, so hungry now. yes. >> it's 5:19. the weather is perfect for .ncakes >> comfort food. that's what i love in the morning. you cannot complain today. scott is always complaining about the cold, but today it will be typical. 35 degrees to start, with calm wind. exactly chill factor is what the temperature says on the thermometer, so no issues. 30 adults, 28 in a preferred, 32 and frederick this morning. degrees in hagerstown. 30 in martinsburg. 32 in winchester. time.culpeper at this this afternoon, warming up nicely. talking low to mid-40s. the warm air trying to bubble up the south. r jet stream pattern has been doing this. dip for aboutbig
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a week and a half. up tos starting to move the north. have a ridge that will warming the next couple days. the average high is 45. that's where we should be this year.f average low of 29. we reached 37 yesterday. no precipitation for everybody. we are down almost 8 inches for the snowfall season. still some instability. a few snow flurries are still on the mason-dixon line. clipper is poised to , thenicago and milwaukee be here late tonight. not much more than snow flurries around here. expect clouds throughout much of today. snow flurries to the north tonight. expected tomorrow and we will see more sunshine. cloudy, 40-45 degrees this afternoon. flurries tonight
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especially north. 26-32 degrees tonight. 45 on wednesday. 48 by friday with a chance of showers. the end of the weekend. looking good overall. a good-looking forecast. now to jamee. >> looks good on the roads. even on the rails. marc trains, metro rail, and vre reportedly are starting on time and on schedule. virginia, no problems as far as accidents or incidents leading stafford and getting to beltway, looks good. the entire beltway in maryland virginia looking good. southern maryland, route 4, also in good shape. here is 50 inside the beltway. back to you. >> thank you. facebook is working on a app.ion tracking >> marking the 10th anniversary day, also.internet diana perez has more. >>
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the ipad pro goes on sale today. 128 gigabyte tablets. there's no difference between generation ipad ambulance fee except for the amount of memory. starting at $800. facebook is reportedly app thatg a smartphone track the location of users. is scheduled for release by month.dle of next likely to raise privacy concerns. a study finds few people have walletgital applications. paypal have the widest recognition. fears about security are the reason it's not more .opular today is internet safety day. s good tos updated it know section.
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for aice are searching woman who rob two banks in d.c. just minutes apart. was photographed by surveillance cameras. at 9:13 monday morning she was bank in the the pnc wisconsin ave. minutes later, the bank of america across from the uptown theater on connecticut avenue. in each case, the woman said she had a gun but did not display one. >> police are searching for four tape robbing a at pentagony store city mall in broad daylight. the men used hammers to smash several jewelry cases arlington. county police sources said they off with rings and other nearly $130,000. >> incredible video. >> we are looking at 33 degrees. the news continues at 5:30. >> still ahead, more on the huge warehouse maryland.
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i got it when i could stream movies,
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stream music, stream anything and it just worked. [ male announcer ] when people make the switch to verizon fios internet, there comes a moment when they get it -- the difference 100% fiber optics makes, and they say to themselves, whoa! now this is how the internet is supposed to be! i got it when we could download an hd movie in like two minutes. online gaming with no lag, that's when i got it. [ male announcer ] now, verizon could go on and on, telling you how fios is america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet. but now, you can ask a real live fios customer just how amazing it really is. like any one of these folks: ask me why fiber optics matters. ask me about the upload speeds. [ male announcer ] so go to today and send a tweet to a real fiocustomer, and they'll tell you themselves just how amazing fios really is. supercharge your internet speeds. switch to fios internet, tv and phone online for just $94.99 a month and we'll triple your speed for free with an upgrade to fios quantum internet. plus, get $250 back with a 2-year agreement. visit for america's fastest, call the verizon center for customers with disabilities
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most reliable internet. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky lacurs biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth xt your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin.
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>> live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. ahead, it is .elebration time the ravens are back in town after their super bowl win. is ready to celebrate with a big parade. good morning, washington. it's tuesday, verified. i am scott thuman. i am cynne simpson. . good morning. withon storm watch meteorologist jacqui jeras. a cloudy start this morning. system moved through last nothing torought d.c., but it did bring snow in western
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maryland and the panhandle of virginia where they picked inches, especially. temperatures in the upper 30's parade with mostly skies. in d.c. right now, third in gaithersburg and martinsburg. 28 degrees in hagerstown. they had a dusting of snow. 32 degrees in charlottesville. the system moved through very quickly. we will be left in the clouds today. not a lot of sunshine. a few snow flurries possible north of the mason-dixon line. the next system is late tonight. just a few snow flurries, that's all. make itures today will into the low to mid 40's. even warmer temperatures in the forecast, minutes away. first, from the belfort furniture weather center, we -- saltyed the roads roads. >> the rails are quiet. with no delays. we have some volumes starting on
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270 southbound transfer ban and hyattstown. coming out of frederick, moving slow through the stretch. the you get beyond down santa the beltway, up to speed. you get through there. back to you. >> thank you. 5:33. our top story, the parade kicks off for the baltimore ravens in five hours. get bigger than charm city. will be filling the streets. john gonzalez is in baltimore. . big day >> good morning. in a few hours in downtown baltimore, there will be quite a for the baltimore ravens. mayor will kick off the parade, parade in the purple hall. then off to the streets of baltimore,. the parade with the
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it to m&till make where there will be a huge party. be on hand.will goodbye for ray lewis. there will be thousands of fans at the stadium. have thought the first fan who has arrived bright and early. o windsor mill.pi what brought you out? >> ray lewis. i had not gotten a lot of sleep last night. walked over at 11:00 and decided to take my front row .eat just walked across the street hotel and slept about three hours and came over here. that is devotion. he got a motel for the night and is wearing a ray lewis. is this better than 2000? >> this is incredible. i was in florida during the was a littleand i
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disconnected from the game. year it's incredible. last time forthe to see ray lewis. i'm here with my magic marker to sign my jersey. baltimore will rock today. alone. not going to be there will be thousands of fans. 10:45.s off around it is free and open to the tolic, but you might want get here early. it will be busy. reporting in baltimore, john news.ez, abc 7 >> thank you very much. we have to announce another school the lead. hamster county, two hour delay. back to the big story john was talking about. sports fans better record $98.9 at the nevada state casinos. millions on the
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game. abc 7 and stay with for complete coverage of the ravens parade. look for live coverage of that celebration on our sister station news channel 8. >> following a developing story this morning. and caregiver faces serious charges after allegedly abusing man in a group home in columbia, maryland. at least one incident was caught on tape. look at this. it shows the woman hitting the nech, as wellce, as aiding in his face. police have arrested donna .verett mil she worked as a manager at the group home. she stroked with reckless endangerment and assault. on >> scary moments in baltimore an inferno threaten to engulf a neighborhood. out mondaybroke at the lumber warehouse in
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the city.est part of firefighters were ordered to evacuate the building suddenly crashingwalls came down. trapped.fighters were taken toe rescued and with minor injuries. no word on what sparked a fire. 5:37, 35 degrees on this tuesday morning. come.h more to abc 7 giving you an exclusive inside a new center for wounded troops.
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[ male announcer ] when it comes to the financial obstacles military families face, we understand. our financial advice is geared specifically to currentnd former military members and their families. [ laughs ] dad! dad! [ applause ] [ male announcer ] life brings obstacles. usaa brings retirement advice. call or visit us online. we're ready to help. learn more with our free usaa retirement guide. call 877-242-usaa.
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is cracks hi, my name jeremy. just want to sing. hi, my name is jeremy. washington ♪ning >> send us your greeting and be it using those three --good morning washington. think they can with him. has a good voice. >> let's check it would jacqui jeras for the forecast. >> snow showers moving across the area. that's a live picture from new york city this morning. flurries. the same system that went
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through northern maryland this .orning less than a half-inch in new york, at best. is a weak system. byt will be out of there 9:00 or 10:00 this morning. you can see where it is. of snow.burst at least its data to our north fizzled as it moved over the mountains. got heavier amounts in garrett county,. 5 inches, nothing in d.c. 32 degrees in reston, a 32 in bethesda, a 33 in germantown, 31 in columbia. annapolis, 32 degrees. bowie, a 32 degrees. we will be in the 40's this afternoon. in ave not seen that while. temperaturesseen the mid 40's this time of year. cloudy skies expected throughout the day. another system moves through tonight. on how much tonight, coming up. not much. a check on traffic and weather.
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been a good start. we are still relatively quiet. an incident just happened on the baltimore-washington parkway. b-w parkway95 before route 1 hundred, dealing with a two-car crash. slow southbound.and outbou before rte 1000. back to you. >> thank you. >> looking at 35 degrees now. up, an update on the of former secretary of hillary clinton. what we are
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>> a beautiful multimillion-
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of aquaticseling center in d.c. it andhs later, limited hours you lifeguards because of paycheck problems. 7 on your side cuts through the get this beautiful facility up and running. that report tonight at 5:00 o'clock. allegany county in students parents, there's a two hour delay. the morning pre-k glasses have been completely cancelled. county.rom allegany classes. more and more afghan troops are coming home. >> in a few months, the uso, door store brands wounded warriors and their families. got an 7, jummy olabanji exclusive the catwalk's inside at what's peek inside. this center is really the
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way and the american public's way of giving back. correct finishing touches are being this $100 million project that took three years to complete. the first things we woundedto meet with their families to an understanding of what their needs were. there are classrooms for job training and multipurpose rooms group gatherings, a therapeutic garden, and game room. the architect says it's one of rewarding projects he's ever done. rewarding feeling to it work the way you planned. >> the new center was built for universal access. the rooms and hallways fit multiple wheelchairs'. kitchen there's lots of owace to move around and l appliances.and >> it's fun. great having the family center here. >> charles practices on the golf donated., which was he says not only is it fun but is a form of physical and
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mental. >> we have appointments and we just want to get away and relax. it's the most expensive project the uso has taken on, was worth every penny. it was very special to see the research.t on my drive home, my heart was full. spectacular. >> jummy olabanji at fort belvoir, abc 7 news. is wonderful. the center is free and open to all service members and their families. cutting is this afternoon. coming up at 6:00 on good washington, gas prices bike and more people are paying more of their income. >> and boeing wants to start test offline dreamliner. mvp joe flacco? tv.ness on late-night
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that still ahead at 6:00. news aroundchecking the nation. a 5-year-old alabama boy is well after he was rescued from an underground bunker before he was held almost a week. >> authorities stormed the after on monday negotiations with the suspect jimmy lee dykes broken-down. was seen holding a gun. shot and killed. police said that he took the child last retractor each side until the school bus driver. a little boy turns 06 tomorrow. coming up on good morning america, there will be an interview with the boy's family. former president bill clinton his wife, former secretary hillary clinton, is doing much better. her health after monday's funeral of ed koch. hillary clinton's spokesperson underwent more medical tests on sunday. and that is an condition. found a blood clot in after she suffered a
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concussion in december. >> a high-school football coach suspendedbama is disparaging remarks about michelle obama. the washington post reports that grisham was suspended monday after his comments were recorded by a student. michelle"fat butt she looks like she pounds, she's overweight." thereach now says misspoke. she's in great shape. >> absolutely. looking at much warmer temperatures. to get outside and do a something this afternoon. we did have a clipper overnight. we did not wake up to anything in d.c., but northern maryland .ot a brush this is a live picture in
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frostburg, maryland, 5 inches fell. they are on a two-hour delay in garrett county along with some other schools in that area. let's look at the scene a clear picture. have a fair amount of clouds to start. thin clouds helping to hold our temperatures up a little. with the wind chill of 35. we have not seen that in a that's a pleasant surprise, calm wind. hagerstown -- in martinsburg, 28 in hagerstown, quantico, 33 in annapolis morning. high temperature this afternoon in the low to mid 40's. we are starting to get the warning as the jet stream lift to ourns to north. be thishere we should year.f 45, average loan is 29. is 45 andrage high
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average lowest 29. a couple snow flurries still the mason-dixon line. of the energy is out of here. clipper will arrive late tonight. snowfallchance of an to the north. cloudy skies throughout today. best chance of sunshine down to plata andin la fredericksburg and culpeper. might get some sunshine. us will clear out tomorrow. cloudy today, 40-45 degrees. light snow flurries tonight or showers especially northcom 32 degrees. partly cloudy and 45 on wednesday. warming up of the end of the week. showers on few friday and again on monday. that's your forecast. time for traffic and weather ?amee >> it's a quiet start. virginia and the district, no problems, across the 14th street anacostia bridge, looking good. maryland, there's a crash on the baltimore-washington parkway.
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one lane is getting by 295, the b-w parkway. that.l check back on 195 is after the ex for the entrance for bwi marshall airport. southbound look at the back up already. 95 is a much better options if avoid the backup. back to you. >> thank you. 5:53 right now. who says blackberry phones are depth? they're selling for $1,000 on ebay. if you're looking to jump market, it isng time to sell, especlly in the area. linda bell is at bloomberg in new york. . >> to see you again good to see you. we're nearing the busiest season for the housing market, the spring selling season. it's been good news for sellers
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so far. area homes right now are in contract in two weeks or less. one person got 168 offers in the household for the asking price, because there are not many homes .or sale with little inventory, that is up there is demand for blackberry's phone that goes on sale in march in the u.s. it has debuted in the u.k. and sale in canada today. because of that demand, hard- core blackberry fans have taken to ebay. a 16 gigabyte phone $1,000 on the website now. in march we have the new app.ook it will let you know that your friends are nearby. the thing is it will work even the application is not open on someone's phone.
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peopled make some angry, concern about internet privacy. that is business news. live at bloomberg headquarters , abc 7 news. back to you. >> thank you. a lot of concerns about that. it's 34 degrees. >> the man charged with the martin andrayvon prepares for another court hearing. martin's family honors what i got it when we could download an hd movie in like two minutes. [ male announcer ] once you've got verizon fios -- america's fastest, most reliable intleernet -- you get it. but don't take our word for it, ask a real fios customer. ask me why fiber optics matters. ask me about the upload speeds. [ male announcer ] so, send a tweet, and get the real scoop from a real fios customer. supercharge your internetpeeds. switch to fios online for only $94.99 a month and we'll triple your speed for free with an upgrade to fios quantum internet. call the verizon center
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plus, get $250 back for customers with disabilities with a 2-year agreement. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes?
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and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot, even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely... looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, yoyou can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply.
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captioned by the national captioning institute >> pakistan plans to build a complex in the town where u.s. commandos killed laden two years ago. >> the complex is expected to paraglidingo, a club, and water sports. effort toof an activities inl to improve the image. >> the trayvon martin shooting, killer george zimmerman will appear in court today. he is asking for a trial delay as well as additional records mustis lawyers say they have before the trial. today would've been trayvon birthday.8th planned innts are
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florida to honor him. people will gather this for an event called together for peace against gun violence. senator mccain is defending a tweet about the iranian president. joke onit was just a when he compared the iranian president to a monkey. he would d said that to be the first iranian to go into outer space. this was in reference to iran monkey into outer recently. when criticized, senator mccain said get a life. >> canada is no longer canadian a cost exceeding its monetary value. stores are being urged to start


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